Wednesday, September 7, 2011

News: Slow Sand Water Filter Video

Slow Sand Water Filter Video

Prototype unit I built to help me get a better feel for what kind of filtration rate (GPM/sq.ft.) I might expect to see on a larger system (think, rainwater collection.) This one only sees about .5 GMP/sq.ft. which is pretty low. Gonna try different amounts of media. Looking to get 2… 3 max GPM/sq.ft. Gravel, sand, and activated carbon. The ability to backwash is nice, but again, it’s really not necessary unless you’re constantly running something like, oh, mud, through the filter. The idea though, was that the backwash water could be collected (hence that drain pipe in the middle that comes out the side), the solids allowed to settle out, then run the clear water back though the filter. ATB – “Tristan Da Cunha”

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The rest is here:

Slow Sand Water Filter Video
Prices review
ATB Music

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